Explore the world of tools


The best investment is in the tools of ones own trade.
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- Ben Franklin

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Building and maintaining the plants and mills of North America


Master manipulators of molten metal

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Explore The World of tools

Man is a tool-using animal.  Without tools he is nothing, with tools he is all.


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Construction Workers

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The Sawyer Angle Grinder Holder is great way for pipe welders to hang grinders and ditch box when welding.  It reduces the risk of electric shock on muddy and wet days and provides some organization while working in an extremely fast paced world.  Magnets keep the holder on the pipe so your grinders are at your finger tips instead of in the mud.

The Swiproy torch protractor is great for cutting circles.  It clamps to the standard cutting torch, the center point goes in the center punched divot and the protractor guides the head of the torch in a perfect circle.  It’s a very handy tool for a welders tool box.

The Grasshopper magnetic ground clamp is great option for a ground when a traditional ground clamp isn’t an option.  This magnetic unit will stick to carbon steel and provide a ground in tough situations.

Need practice?  This is a die piece for practice.  Get two for a pair of dice.  It’s always great to touch up on your skills.

These magnets are a great way to hold pieces in place while fabricating.   Every customer wants to know if their piece is square.  With 90s and 45s of different sizes, your work will definitely “be square”.

Looking for a gift for a welder?  They always need more gloves.